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our mission


Harvard Undergraduates for Human Rights in North Korea (HRiNK) is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-ethnic, and non-religious group formed in pursuit of the following mission statement:


  1. To educate the Harvard community and beyond about the egregious human-rights violations occurring within North Korea

  2. To promote human rights, political and religious freedom, and humanitarian aid for North Korea through project-geared fundraising and awareness education

  3. To strive to protect the North Korean people from inhuman treatment by the North Korean state

  4. To support existing NGOs and other coalitions that share our ultimate goal of protecting human rights in North Korea HRiNK’s primary goal is to spread awareness of human-rights violations occurring within North Korea as well as the plight of North Korean refugees living around the world.


We intend to achieve this goal by

  1. Providing financial and organizational support for the existing web of activist organizations that advocate the human rights of North Koreans

  2. Sponsoring awareness-raising projects on campus and in the greater Boston community. Through both fundraising and awareness campaigns, we hope to play a role in increasing political, religious, and geographical freedom within North Korea.

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